We are super excited to share this first bit of news for the 2024 season: we have expanded our rental fleet to an even dozen of KWA EVEs.
Sure, we could have opted for another cheaper brand and had even more rentals, but KWA is absolutely the best out of the box AEG* that we’ve found, and we really don’t want to send new players into the woods with a rental unit that can’t at least keep up with veteran players’ replicas. KWA KO EVEs are, at the very least, a solid “intermediate-level” AEG at a beginner-level price (side note: we really hate how the tiers of replicas are labeled thusly; it’s like a “noobs can’t have good guns” kind of thing, and we think that’s bullshit).

We have zero issue running our rentals ourselves, and if there are any rentals leftover after check-in, we will usually grab one in the event of a primary replica malfunction.
Or sometimes we’ll run a rental for the fun of it.
In the photo to the left, Bear is running one of the rental EVE-4s with a hi-cap full of 0.25g 6mmPlastic bio BBs. Seeing the field owner running the same thing as a rental player brings more confidence in the rental equipment to the rental player, and this sort of “spot-check” QA gives us the confidence to continue offering the EVEs as our rental fleet, as well as continuing to support a fantastic brand, and our good friends at Tactical Parts.
We’d like to close out this quick update with a clip from last season.
Morsel’s T-10 went down during a game (yet another another issue with the GATE Titan), and she grabbed a rental EVE-4. As stated in the video, she doesn’t think about or worry about the intricacies of airsoft, like BB weight, hop adjustment, etc. She was already loaded for running her T-10, which is a beast of a replica, and simply grabbed the rental so she could keep playing.
This video shows a completely stock EVE-4 firing absolute lasers over 75′ with 0.32g BBs. Granted, this is not the case with every stock KWA, since stock hop rubbers are typically nothing more than placeholders, but the fact that this out of the box and already abused replica performed so well is honestly proof enough for us to continue our trend in supporting and using KWAs.
*While we may be a “insignificant statistical sample size of one”, between personal replicas, the rental fleet, our OP: DC raffle prizes, and the number of KWAs we have helped our players source, that’s over 20 KWAs that have passed through here – so maybe we know what we’re talking about on this.