Last season we started Airsoft for Veterans, which despite a slow start, finished quite well. We are hoping to expand on it a little more this season.
For 2024, the first Saturday of each month we are open is reserved for Airsoft for Veterans: June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th, and October 5th.
The gameday schedule looks like this:
- 1100 – Gates “open”
- 1200 – Check-in and chrono begins.
- 1230 – Safety brief. If players aren’t here by 1230, they will not be allowed to play.
- 1300 – Startex.
- 1600 to 1700 – Endex.
So What’s the Deal?
The deal is simple: veterans (and a “plus 1”) are invited to play for free. No field fee, and no rental fee. Just please don’t break my rental stuff.
What’s different this year, though, is our regular players are invited to play as well to help beef up the numbers, and to make sure none of our veterans get lost. However, you will not be playing for free. 😛
And rental players, veterans have priority on rental units, although since we’ve added to our rental fleet, we’re hoping that won’t be an issue.
This is a crazy exciting time for us, and we couldn’t be happier about being able to continue supporting both the growing northern Maine airsoft community as well as our local (and not-so-local) veterans. And we absolutely would not be able to do any of this without YOUR help and support. So, truly, thank you.